
“We are modern bridge-builders: we combine technology and people, theory and practice, information and emotions. So that you can do more than just use highly complex products – you can experience them, too.”

Uwe Düring
Founder & Managing Director

For products that inspire people.

From the initial idea to market launch, maintenance to remanufacturing: we are on hand to make every phase of the product life cycle a success.

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Idea Generation

Targets & Services
Objectives of the phase
Two colleagues are talking in a relaxed manner in front of a modern office building.
Objectives of the phase

The idea generation phase is the origin of any successful product development. It sets out to gain in-depth insight into the needs of target markets, customer expectations, and current and future technological trends. The focus is on developing innovative and future-centric product ideas that ensure competitiveness, at the same time as creating added value and opening up new market potential. This phase is essential for laying the foundation for a strong product pipeline.

  • Analysis of market trends and customer requirements
  • Identification of gaps and opportunities in the market
  • Consideration of industry-specific requirements
  • Competitor analysis and benchmarking
  • Technology trends and future innovation opportunities
Product management innovation
A man shows the details of a technical component to a group of colleagues. The group concentrates and is attentive while the man explains the function and structure of the component.
Product management innovation

Together with you, we identify the best ways to explore the boundaries of the market and turn innovative ideas into concrete opportunities.

  • Undertaking of comprehensive market and competitor analysis
  • Organisation and management of targeted ideas workshops
  • Development and implementation of design-to-cost approaches to ensure environmental and economic objectives
  • Development of detailed requirements and functional specifications
Technical Documentation
Two employees work on computers in a modern office. They use individual analysis tools to efficiently process complex data.
Technical Documentation

We support you in this by providing comprehensive product and process information for your products right from the start and in meeting all regulatory requirements.

  • Supervision of the innovation process through facilitation, documentation, and the networking of all stakeholders
  • Research and application of industry-specific guidelines and standards
  • Implementation of FMEA and co-ordination of approval procedures
  • Maintenance and management of master data, parts lists and legacy data
  • Introduction of knowledge management in PLM systems and wikis
Two employees working in front of a computer on a 2W Documentation Check

Our goal is to make your innovative ideas globally marketable by removing language barriers and enabling transparent communication.

  • Translation of master data and technical documents
  • Support in adapting to international standards
  • Localisation of documents and marketing materials
  • Consultation on cultural and linguistic requirements
  • Development of terminology and glossary management

Concept Development & Design

Targets & Services
Objectives of the phase
A woman is standing in front of a whiteboard explaining to a colleague while pointing with a pen to the board. The woman wears glasses and is engaged in her presentation. The man next to her listens attentively. Diagrams and notes can be seen on the whiteboard.
Objectives of the phase

The concept development and design phase takes ideas to the next level: They are fleshed out, visualised and made tangible by initial technical and functional requirements. Our aim is to develop a product concept that is both functional and economical. At the same time, we lay down the foundation for an easy-to-use design that offers real benefits to end users and gains acceptance in the target sector.

  • Definition of design and economic requirements
  • Creation of concept designs and initial prototypes
  • Implementation of 3D modelling and simulations
  • Optimisation of product design
Product Management After-sales Portfolio
Two women compare colours with the help of paint tiles in the office
Product Management After-sales Portfolio

Our expertise will help you to tap into the full potential of your after-market portfolio.

  • Concept design of a service and spare parts portfolio 
  • Management of variants and product complexity
  • Development of sustainable logistics and storage concepts
  • Optimisation of packaging designs in terms of resource efficiency
  • Detailed project management from the initial idea to series production
Interaction Design & Usability
Two people, a man and a woman, are standing next to a robotic arm in a modern laboratory environment. Both are smiling and looking at the robot that seems to be performing a task. The robotic arm moves a yellow object next to a cardboard box on a table.
Interaction Design & Usability

We create easy-to-use and intuitive product solutions to inspire the end user and simplify operation.

  • Concept design and development of human-machine interfaces (HMI)
  • Design and prototyping of interactive product interfaces
  • Implementation of usability tests and user analysis
  • Integration of ergonomics in product design
  • Guaranteed assurance of accessibility and intuitive usability
Service-orientated Development
A 2W employee with headset sits at a computer screen advising customers.
Service-orientated Development

Our service-orientated approach enables the economical and safe operation of your products throughout their entire life cycle.

  • Consultation on circular product design
  • Definition of optimum service and repair capability 
  • Concept development for repair and service-related designs
  • Validation of service-friendliness based on realistic scenarios
  • Consultation on efficient and safe service approaches

Prototyping & Simulation

Targets & Services
Objectives of the phase
Two men stand in front of a tool cabinet labelled "Special Tools" and examine various tools. One of the men holds a tablet while the other points to a tool. The cabinet is equipped with a variety of specialised tools that are neatly arranged.
Objectives of the phase

Prototype construction and simulation mark a decisive phase in the product life cycle, during which concepts become tangible realities. Initial physical and virtual prototypes are produced in this phase to verify the feasibility, functionality and quality of the product. It is about more than just identifying and rectifying faults, it is also about optimising a design that meets the highest standards. Precise testing and analysis ensure that the product is ready for the transition to series production.

  • Development and testing of physical prototypes
  • Use of simulations to optimise costs and risks
  • Verification of technological feasibility
  • Compliance with industry-specific safety requirements
  • Validation and fine-tuning of design and functionality
Service and repair methodology
Two technicians in 2W workwear are working together to diagnose a vehicle, one holding a diagnostic tool and the other working on the engine.
Service and repair methodology

We develop well-thought-out and effective service processes that are already effective in the prototype phase.

  • Development of detailed service processes for new products
  • Development and assurance of internationally standardised repair methodology
  • Integration of Augmented Reality (AR) to optimise repair processes
  • Fewer physical prototypes by the use of digital validation methods
Special Product Management Tools
2W employee checks tool specifications on a tablet
Special Product Management Tools

Specific challenges require customised tools that we develop and provide you with.

  • Design and approval of innovative special tools
  • Implementation of feasibility studies for tool solutions
  • Stakeholder management for tool development
  • Documentation and training for the use of tools
  • Optimisation of existing tools for improved efficiency
IT and Process Consulting
2W employees carry out vehicle diagnostics in a modern workshop environment
IT and Process Consulting

Our IT expertise enhances the quality of information and introduces structure and speed to your development processes.

  • Agile project management for fast results & Flexible processes
  • Data analysis & Reporting 
  • Legacy system migration for future-proof applications 
  • Error analysis to ensure data integrity
  • Introduction of new test and error diagnostics tools
  • Optimised development and test environments

Series Development

Targets & Services
Objectives of the phase
A man is working on a laptop in a workshop environment, while a large screen displays a technical drawing. A green car with the door open stands in the foreground. The focus is on data analysis and process automation to optimise the safety of vehicle systems, especially seat belts.
Objectives of the phase

The basis for production is set out in the series development phase. The aim is to create a marketable product that meets all quality and safety requirements. This phase is crucial to make a seamless transition to production and ensure economical production.

  • Transfer of prototypes to series production
  • Optimisation of production processes and capacities
  • Assurance of quality and production safety
  • Maintenance and updating of all product data
  • Establishment of efficient production standards
Spare Parts Management
Two men are standing in a workshop jointly discussing a document. The man on the left points to the paper, while the older man on the right holds the document in his hand. Tools and workshop equipment can be seen in the background and the bonnet of a vehicle is open.
Spare Parts Management

During series development, we support you in the planning, design, verification and publication of the sales parts range for global after-sales.

  • Definition and approval of the spare parts range
  • Verification of master data, parts lists and portfolio quantities
  • Definition of standards for spare parts categories
  • Development of sustainable spare parts logistics and inventory planning
  • Monitoring of the sourcing process and supplier management
  • Change management
Technical Documentation
An engineer is sitting at his desk focussed on two screens. A technical drawing with labelled components can be seen on the left-hand screen, an Excel spreadsheet on the right-hand screen. Headphones, a smartphone and documents lie on the table.
Technical Documentation

The product-related information concept is created in this phase. Working closely with all stakeholders from development to production, Technical Documentation acts as a communication hub for all product and life cycle-related information.
Based on this, we offer ongoing support for internal and external technical documentation, including change management

  • Verification of product-related information concepts
  • Production of operating instructions/instructions for use
  • Production of assembly/installation instructions
  • Preparation for market launch
    • Creation of homologation documents based on the first series parts
    • Marketing & and sales information
Fault Management
A man stands at a computer terminal in a workshop and works with a diagnostic system, while a car is partially visible in the foreground. The man wears a black t-shirt and focusses on the screen.
Fault Management

Our fault management system lays down the foundation for the reliability and durability of your products. 

  • Diagnostic management to ensure structured troubleshooting and fault rectification
  • Error coding for easy assignment of repair methodology and reduction of service times and warranty costs
  • Predictive maintenance concepts to minimise downtime and maintenance costs

Production & Series Production

Targets & Services
Objectives of the phase
Four people are sitting at a table in a meeting room smiling as they chat. One person is holding a small component and showing it to others who look interested. There is other technical equipment on the table. Certificates hang on the wall in the background.
Objectives of the phase

The production phase represents the transition from development to production reality. It ensures that high-quality products can be produced on time and in the required quantity. In addition to optimising production processes, the introduction of quality assurance and resource planning measures is the main priority to guarantee seamless production.

  • Transfer of development results to production
  • Establishment of efficient production workflows
  • Establishment of quality control measures
  • Guarantee of material availability and supplier reliability
  • Implementation of flexible change management
Start-up Management
A woman explains a process optimisation sketch on a whiteboard to her colleagues
Start-up Management

Against the background of sound process knowledge and consistent, complete and up-to-date product information, we ensure that the start of your production is a success.

  • Change and approval management of critical information
  • Maintenance and updating of all information and publication systems
  • KPI-based management reporting with the use of BI 
  • Supplier management
Validation of Service Concepts
Two colleagues face a whiteboard and discuss ideas. The woman explains something while using a pent to point to the whiteboard on which diagrams and notes can be seen. The
Validation of Service Concepts

Our expertise ensures that your service processes are perfectly adapted to your series products.

  • Direct validation of service and repair methods on series products
  • Undertaking of time studies to fix after-sales service costs
  • Updating of product information in dealer and service company publishing systems

Market Launch & Sales

Targets & Services
Objectives of the phase
 Two employees chat smiling in an office and exchange technical documentation. One employee holds a product in their hand while the other person leafs through a folder of documents.
Objectives of the phase

The market launch and sales phase is the moment when the product is presented to the public. This is where we lay the foundation for success by ensuring product availability and developing the right strategies for a persuasive market launch. The focus is on a seamless product launch, effective support for sales teams and targeted appeal to product groups to position the product in the best possible market.

  • Guarantee of product and spare parts availability
  • Development and implementation of sales strategies
  • Planning and implementation of the product launch
  • Support for marketing and sales activities
  • Support for retailers and end customers
Launch Management
Close up of two people working at a table. In the foreground is a person gesticulating while a laptop and a notebook are lying on the table. Colourful graphics and diagrams can be seen on the laptop. Another person is sitting, slightly out of focus, in the background concentrating on their work.
Launch Management

We create the basis for successful marketing and guarantee the worldwide service capability of new products

  • Generation of sales forecasts with retail organisations to avoid over- or under-production
  • Start-up management in conjunction with customers and suppliers
  • Communication with global retail organisations
  • Monitoring of the initial supply to key markets
  • Inventory and sales monitoring to plan production volumes
Product Information for Marketing & Sales
Two men are standing in front of a computer screen in a modern office looking together at a technical brochure. Both are smiling and apparently discussing the content of the document. Some plants can be seen in the foreground.
Product Information for Marketing & Sales

Our communication formats ideally prepare our customers and users for the market launch of new products.

  • Development of innovative communication formats for the Point of Sale
  • Production of product information for retail, authorities and logistics 
  • Development of technical training courses using AR/VR
  • Localisation and translation of product information
Marketing Translation
A woman is holding a presentation in front of a screen showing technical graphics, smiling towards the audience. She holds a presentation clicker in her hand. In the foreground, two audience members can be seen out of focus following the presentation. A flip chart with diagrams can be seen in the background.
Marketing Translation

Your advertising and marketing copy is about more than just facts and figures. It contains messages that need to be delivered. In a certain tone to achieve a very specific impact within your target group. We offer special marketing translation solutions to ensure that this also works in other languages.

  • Creative translation of claims & Slogans 
  • Adaptation of the sought-after intention and emotion into the target language
  • SEO- and& SEA-optimised localisation of content management and shop systems

Operation & Maintenance

Targets & Services
Objectives of the phase
A young man in safety glasses and 2W workwear is working on a machine in a workshop. In the foreground, the machine can be seen with a monitor and technical equipment. In the background there are two other people also wearing safety glasses, observing the scene or working on another project.
Objectives of the phase

The operation and maintenance phase is crucial to ensure product longevity and to promote lasting customer satisfaction. It is about making operation safe and efficient, providing technical support, and ensuring smooth operation through continuous improvements.

  • Guarantee of operational safety and maintenance
  • Provision of spare parts and technical support
  • Continuous monitoring and fault analysis
  • Management of warranty and damage cases
  • Documentation and support for end users
Portfolio Management
View from behind of an employee working at a computer with an out-of-focus screen and a 2W logo.
Portfolio Management

We ensure the long-term availability and operational safety of your products.

  • Guaranteed worldwide availability of all required spare parts, tools and chemical resources for operators, retailers and end customers
  • Market monitoring, sales analysis and fault image analysis
  • Market consolidation of plagiarised products to protect the company from economic, legal and reputational damage
  • Change management of process and product alterations
Technical Support
A man with a beard is sitting at a desk in front of two monitors using the computer mouse. He is wearing a black t-shirt and focussing on the screen.
Technical Support

Our Technical Support provides comprehensive solutions for your after-sales needs.

  • 1st Level support for technical enquiries from retailers and service companies 
  • Support for 'flying doctors' through specific diagnostic, spare parts and repair information
  • Management of short-term technical solutions
  • Management of product recalls and reworks
Guarantee and Damage Management
Two colleagues compare technical documentation on a computer and a laptop to verify its accuracy.
Guarantee and Damage Management

We develop solutions for the efficient handling of your guarantee and damage cases and act as mediators between the stakeholders involved.

  • Design of roadside assistance programmes
  • Case management in the context of conversion, return, right to repair
  • Handling of guarantee and warranty cases
  • Evaluation of market and customer responses, feedback evaluations

Modernisation & Optimisation

Targets & Services
Objectives of the phase
A group of four people is sitting around a table jointly discussing a technical model. A man in a white t-shirt is holding a component in his hand while explaining it to the other. The group seems to be immersed in a constructive and friendly discussion. An out-of-focus plant can be seen in the background.
Objectives of the phase

The modernisation and optimisation phase focusses on continuously improving products to increase their attractiveness and functionality. It is about increasing efficiency, introducing new technologies, and responding to changing market requirements. This keeps your product competitive and generates long-term added value for your customers.

  • Improvement of product efficiency and product updates
  • Extension of product functionalities
  • Introduction of new technologies and functions
  • Optimisation of product costs
  • Customer acquisition and customer retention
Product Optimisation
Two 2W employees inspect various tools and equipment in a workshop
Product Optimisation

We help you to make your product range more attractive through sensible additions.

  • Analysis and development of new accessories
  • Undertaking of market stimulation measures to optimise the TCO
  • Improvement of the attractiveness of older products through specially developed service and spare parts packages
  • Product updates through technological updates and retrofit programmes
  • Marketing support through technical product sales promotional information 
Optimisation of Series Maintenance
Two men in a workshop are standing together looking at a tablet that one of them is holding. Both are wearing black polo shirts bearing the “2W” logo. Several vehicles can be seen out of focus on lifting platforms in the background, implying a professional workshop environment. One of the men is also holding a laptop under his arm.
Optimisation of Series Maintenance

We ensure that your products are efficient and easy to maintain even when used.

  • Updating of service and maintenance concepts
  • Analysis of maintenance costs and improvement of efficiency
  • Implementation of modern maintenance technologies
  • Updating of service information and spare parts catalogues
Technical Documentation
A round table in an office with several metal components and open assembly instructions in the foreground. A plant and other office equipment is out of focus in the background.
Technical Documentation

Our expertise helps you to keep your product information up to date.

  • Updating and expansion of your technical documentation 
  • Harmonisation of publication information in different media
  • Content management and maintenance of content delivery portals
  • Synchronisation of all data in product information systems

Recycling & Second Life

Targets & Services
Objectives of the phase
Teamwork in the workshop, 2W employees analyse an engine with technical support
Objectives of the phase

The return and re-use phase is a key step in extending the life of a product. The aim is to recover used products, recycle them and create new uses through innovative second-life concepts. Sustainability, resource conservation and economic added value are the main priorities. This phase contributes to environmental friendliness, but also strengthens the brand image and creates new business areas.

  • Return and reprocessing of used products
  • Guarantee of product quality and functionality after reprocessing
  • Introduction of second-life programmes for new target groups
  • Promotion of environmental compatibility and resource conservation
Three men in business suits sit around a table discussing matters with concentration. There is a laptop, a glass of water and a pen container on the table. One of the men holds a pen and there is a notepad is in front of him. All three are deep in conversation, implying a professional and collaborative atmosphere.

We give used products a second life by developing and implementing cost-effective reprocessing concepts.

  • Examination of the economic potential of remanufacturing
  • Identification of required industrial partners e.g. for acceptance testing and homologation
  • Verification and assurance of the reliability and safe operation of recycled parts
  • Integration of new technologies into recycled products
  • Guarantee of production and required quality requirements
  • Control of network partners for approvals, production and regulatory aspects
  • Guarantee of reliable part data in all relevant databases and information systems
  • Concept design and support for the launch and sales promotion measures for remanufactured parts
Phase-out Management
A 2W employee sits smiling at a desk focussing on a computer to generate a customer-specific data analysis.
Phase-out Management

User-efficient phase-out management optimises resource distribution and minimises market withdrawal losses.

  • Analysis of market conditions and product life cycle forecasts
  • Development of a phasing-out strategy with appropriate time frames
  • Optimisation of residual inventories and effective inventory management
  • Communication with sales partners and customers
  • Transition to subsequent product generations or alternatives
_News & Stories

This is what excites us right now.

  • A smartphone mock up displays the mobile view of a corporate website with the slogan 'Engineering Intelligent Experiences’.
    Our new website is live!

    Introducing the new 2W website with its fresh and clean design, clear language and smart user-friendliness.

  • A person in white gloves holds two complex 3D-printed structures in their hands.
    The chemistry has to work.

    This is how we help our customers to ensure the availability of high-quality chemical resources for technical products.

  • A group of five employees sits at a conference table discussing technical components in front of them on the table.
    Building bridges for 25 years.

    It's our anniversary! Since it was established in 1998, 2W has evolved from a small start-up to become a leading full-service provider.

Check out all articles
A man with medium-length, slightly greyish hair is sitting in a bright office and looking nicely into the camera. He is wearing a white shirt that gives a professional appearance. The background is out of focus and shows large windows that allow daylight to flood through.

“We know the theory. We love the practice. Because we understand the things we help others to understand.”

Michael Süßl
Managing Director