Transcreation for Deutsche Steinzeug AG

Ceramics with a feel-good factor

The architectural ceramics manufacturer Deutsche Steinzeug Cremer & Breuer AG was keen to stand out from stainless steel swimming pool competitors at a trade fair in France. The company advertised the high quality of their tiles with a poster carrying the German slogan “EDEL STATT STAHL”, which translates less succinctly into English along the lines of “SOPHISTICATED NOT STEEL”.

Working closely with the client through the different phases of the 2W Sprachmarkt transcreation process, we gradually came up with a French slogan that worked with the pool visual to generate a strong message and powerful impact.

The resulting French slogan "L'INOX EN MOINS, LE BIEN ETRE EN PLUS", literally translates into English as “Less stainless steel, more well-being”, and focuses more on the feel-good factor of the material than on its sophistication.

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2W Transcreation


Katrin Goldenstein
Katrin Goldenstein Leiterin Marketingübersetzung +49 211 136 57-210